
Craving a crispy and flavorful snack with a touch of Cuban flair? Look no further than this tantalizing Tostones Recipe! Made from fried green plantains, these crispy delights are the perfect snack or side dish that will transport your taste buds straight to the vibrant streets of Cuba. With their golden brown exterior and soft, savory interior, these Tostones are a true delight for the senses. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or just starting out in the kitchen, this recipe is sure to impress and leave everyone craving for more. So grab a knife, fire up the stove, and get ready to embark on a culinary adventure with these irresistible Tostones!

Ingredients for awesome Tostones

For this tasty and crispy Cuban dish, you will need the following ingredients:

Green plantains

Green plantains are the star of the show when it comes to making tostones. Unlike ripe plantains that are sweet and soft, green plantains are starchy and firm, making them perfect for frying and creating that desired crispy texture.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is essential for frying the plantains. Its high smoke point and neutral flavor make it ideal for achieving that golden brown perfection.


Salt is a simple yet crucial ingredient that enhances the natural flavors of the plantains. It adds a savory element that complements the tostones beautifully.

Optional seasonings

While tostones are delicious on their own, you can take them to the next level by adding optional seasonings. Garlic powder, paprika, or any other preferred seasonings can be sprinkled on the tostones to give them a unique and flavorful twist.


Before diving into the cooking process, there are a few key steps to prepare the plantains properly. Don’t worry, it’s easy!

Peel the plantains

Start by peeling the plantains. Slice off the ends and make a shallow cut lengthwise along the skin. Gently peel off the skin in strips, ensuring all the skin is removed.

Slice the plantains

Once peeled, slice the plantains into thick rounds, around 1 inch thick. You can also slice them at a diagonal for a slightly different shape. The thickness of the slices is important because it affects the final texture of the tostones.

Fry the plantains

In a skillet or deep pan, heat vegetable oil over medium heat. Carefully place the plantain slices into the hot oil, making sure not to overcrowd the pan. Fry them for about 2-3 minutes on each side, until they turn golden brown.

Flatten the plantains

After the first round of frying, remove the plantain slices from the oil and let them cool slightly. Using a tostonera, a simple tool specifically designed for flattening plantains, or the bottom of a heavy glass or bowl, gently press down on each slice to flatten it to about half its original thickness.

Fry the plantains again

Return the flattened plantains to the hot oil and fry them for another 2 minutes on each side until they become even crispier and have a beautiful golden color.

Season the tostones


Once the tostones are fried and crispy, transfer them to a paper towel-lined plate to remove any excess oil. While still hot, sprinkle the tostones with salt and any optional seasonings you desire. Toss them gently to ensure the seasonings are evenly distributed.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now let’s break down the preparation process into detailed steps:

Peel the plantains

  • Slice off the ends of the plantains.
  • Make a shallow cut along the skin lengthwise.
  • Gently remove the skin in strips, ensuring all the skin is removed.

Slice the plantains

  • Cut the peeled plantains into thick rounds, around 1 inch thick.
  • Alternatively, you can slice them at a diagonal for a slightly different shape.

Fry the plantains

  • Heat vegetable oil in a skillet or deep pan over medium heat.
  • Carefully place the plantain slices into the hot oil, avoiding overcrowding the pan.
  • Fry the slices for about 2-3 minutes on each side or until they turn golden brown.

Flatten the plantains

  • Remove the fried plantain slices from the oil and let them cool slightly.
  • Using a tostonera or the bottom of a heavy glass or bowl, gently press down on each slice to flatten it to about half its original thickness.

Fry the plantains again

  • Return the flattened plantains to the hot oil and fry them for another 2 minutes on each side.
  • Remove them from the oil when they become even crispier and have a beautiful golden color.

Season the tostones

  • Transfer the fried tostones to a paper towel-lined plate to remove excess oil.
  • While still hot, sprinkle them with salt and any optional seasonings you desire.
  • Gently toss the tostones to ensure the seasonings are evenly distributed.

Tips for Success

To ensure your tostones turn out perfectly:

Choose green plantains

Green plantains are firm and starchy, which allows them to hold their shape and become crispy during frying. Avoid using ripe plantains, as they are too soft and sweet for this recipe.

Use a heavy-bottomed pan

A heavy-bottomed skillet or deep pan will distribute heat evenly and prevent hot spots, resulting in evenly fried plantains.

Manage the oil temperature

Maintain a consistent oil temperature throughout the frying process. If the oil gets too hot, the tostones may burn, while oil that is not hot enough can make them greasy. Keep an eye on the temperature to achieve that perfect golden crunch.

Add your favorite seasonings

Experiment with different seasonings to personalize your tostones. From garlic powder and paprika to chili flakes or even a sprinkle of cheese, feel free to get creative and add a burst of flavor to your tostones.

Serve immediately for the best texture

Tostones are at their peak crispiness right after frying. Serve them immediately to enjoy them at their best. If they sit for too long, they may lose their crunch.

Variations to Explore

Tostones are incredibly versatile and can be customized to your taste preferences. Here are some popular variations to consider:

Garlic tostones

For an extra boost of flavor, sprinkle your tostones with garlic powder or minced garlic while they are still hot.

Spicy tostones

If you enjoy a bit of heat, add some chili flakes or hot sauce to your tostones for a fiery kick.

Cheesy tostones

For a decadent twist, sprinkle grated cheese, such as parmesan or cheddar, on top of your tostones and melt it under the broiler for a gooey and indulgent treat.

Sweet tostones

If you crave something sweet, sprinkle your tostones with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar immediately after frying for a delightful dessert-like experience.

Serving Suggestions

Tostones can be enjoyed in various ways. Here are some serving suggestions to consider:

Dip in garlic sauce

Tostones pair wonderfully with a tangy garlic dipping sauce. Whip up a quick aioli or a squeeze of lime to elevate the flavors even further.

Pair with roasted pork

Tostones make a fantastic side dish to accompany roasted pork or other savory meat dishes. The crispy texture adds a delightful contrast to the tender meat.

Serve with tropical fruit salsa

Create a tropical twist by serving your tostones with a vibrant fruit salsa. Pineapple, mango, or papaya salsa can provide a refreshing contrast to the savory tostones.

Enjoy as a snack or side dish

Whether as an appetizer, a snack, or a side dish, tostones are versatile enough to serve on any occasion. They are especially popular during gatherings or celebrations when everyone can enjoy their crispy goodness.

Health Benefits of Tostones

Tostones not only taste delicious but also offer some health benefits. Here are a few:

Source of dietary fiber

Green plantains used in tostones are a great source of dietary fiber. This can aid in digestion and help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system.

Rich in potassium

Plantains are known for their high potassium content. Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy heart, regulating blood pressure, and promoting overall cardiovascular health.

Good source of vitamin A

Green plantains are also a good source of vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining healthy vision, boosting the immune system, and promoting cell growth.

Gluten-free and vegan

Tostones are gluten-free and vegan, making them suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions or preferences.

Recipe FAQs

Got some burning questions about making tostones? Here are the answers to a few commonly asked questions:

Can I use ripe plantains for tostones?

No, ripe plantains are not suitable for making tostones. Ripe plantains are softer and sweeter in flavor and are better suited for dishes like maduros (sweet plantains) rather than tostones.

Can I bake tostones instead of frying?

While baking can be a healthier option, it will not give you the same crispy texture as frying. Tostones are best when fried twice to achieve that irresistible crunch, so it’s best to stick to the traditional frying method.

How do I store leftovers?

If you have any leftover tostones, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. To reheat, place them on a baking sheet and heat them in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for about 5-8 minutes until they become crispy again.

Can I freeze tostones?

Yes, you can freeze tostones. Let them cool completely, then place them in a freezer-safe bag or container. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. When ready to enjoy, thaw them at room temperature and reheat by frying them briefly until crispy.

History of Tostones

Tostones, a beloved dish in Cuban cuisine, have their origins deeply rooted in African and Caribbean cuisines. The dish was brought to the Caribbean through the African slave trade, where it evolved and became an essential part of the region’s culinary traditions.

Origins in African and Caribbean cuisines

The technique of frying plantains to make tostones can be found in various West African cuisines, where plantains are abundant. The African slaves who were brought to Caribbean islands, such as Cuba, introduced their cooking methods and flavors, ultimately leading to the creation of tostones.

Traditional preparation methods

In traditional Cuban households, tostones are made by carefully frying green plantain slices. The plantains are then flattened using a tostonera or other heavy objects. This double frying process gives the tostones their unique crispy texture, making them a staple in Cuban cuisine.

Popularity in Cuban cuisine

Tostones have become an iconic dish in Cuban cuisine and are enjoyed both at home and in restaurants. They are often served as a side dish to accompany traditional Cuban meals, such as roasted pork, black beans, and rice. Tostones have also gained popularity worldwide, appreciated for their crispy exterior and versatility.


Now that you have all the steps, tips, and variations, it’s time to enjoy the delicious crispiness of tostones. Whether you prefer them plain and simple or seasoned with your favorite spices, these Cuban fried green plantains are sure to impress. Remember to experiment with different seasonings and variations to find your personal favorite. Discover unique serving combinations and appreciate the cultural significance and history behind this beloved Cuban dish. So go ahead, grab some plantains, and get ready to savor the irresistible flavors of homemade tostones!