moros y cristianos

When it comes to traditional Cuban cuisine, one dish that stands out is Moros Y Cristianos. This flavorful combination of black beans and rice has been a staple in Cuban households for generations. With a rich history dating back to the Spanish colonization of the island, Moros Y Cristianos offers a taste of the island’s cultural heritage. From the earthy flavors of the black beans to the aromatic spices used in the dish, every bite tells a story. Join us as we explore the recipe and techniques behind this beloved Cuban classic.


To make Moros y Cristianos, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of black beans
  • 1 cup of rice
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Before we start cooking, it’s essential to prepare all the ingredients. Rinse the black beans thoroughly and soak them overnight in water. This will help to soften the beans and reduce the cooking time. Drain the beans before using them in the recipe.

Next, rinse the rice to remove any excess starch. This will ensure that the cooked rice is fluffy and not sticky. Chop the onion and mince the garlic, so they are ready to be sautéed later. Now that everything is prepared let’s move on to the cooking process!

Step 1: Cooking the Beans

In a large pot, add the soaked and drained black beans. Cover them with enough water and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and let it cook for about an hour, or until the beans are tender. It’s important to check the beans occasionally and add more water if needed.

Step 2: Cooking the Rice

While the beans are cooking, it’s time to cook the rice separately. In a separate pot, add the rinsed rice and two cups of water. Bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cover the pot with a lid. Let the rice simmer for about 20 minutes or until all the water is absorbed and the rice is tender. Fluff the rice with a fork and set it aside.

Step 3: Sautéing the Aromatics

To add flavor to our Moros y Cristianos, we will sauté some onions and garlic. Heat a skillet over medium heat and add a drizzle of olive oil.

3.1 Chopping the Onion

Add the chopped onion to the skillet and sauté until it becomes translucent and slightly browned. This will take around 5 minutes. Stir the onions occasionally to prevent them from burning.

3.2 Minced Garlic

Once the onions are cooked, add the minced garlic to the skillet. Sauté for another minute until the garlic becomes fragrant. Be careful not to burn the garlic, as it can turn bitter.

Step 4: Combining Beans and Rice

Now it’s time to combine the cooked black beans and rice. Add the cooked rice to the pot with the beans, mixing them gently. The combination of black beans and rice creates a beautiful contrast of colors and textures.

Step 5: Adding Flavor and Seasoning

To enhance the flavors of Moros y Cristianos, we will add some spices.

5.1 Adding Cumin

Sprinkle a teaspoon of cumin over the beans and rice mixture. Cumin provides a warm and earthy flavor that complements the dish perfectly.

5.2 Adding Oregano

Next, add a teaspoon of oregano to the pot. Oregano adds a delightful herbal note to the dish, enhancing the overall taste experience.

Season the dish with salt and pepper to taste. Give everything a good stir to ensure that the flavors are evenly distributed.

Step 6: Simmering the Dish

Place the pot back on the stove over low heat. Cover the pot and let the dish simmer for about 15-20 minutes. This will allow the flavors to meld together, creating a delicious and comforting meal.

Step 7: Serving and Garnishing

Once the Moros y Cristianos have simmered to perfection, it’s time to serve and garnish the dish. Spoon the flavorful black beans and rice onto a plate or bowl. You can garnish it with some fresh cilantro or parsley for added freshness and color. For an extra kick of flavor, squeeze some lime juice over the dish before serving.

Now that you have prepared Moros y Cristianos, it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy this traditional Cuban dish!


Moros y Cristianos can be customized to suit different tastes and dietary preferences. Here are two variations you can try:

Variation 1: Vegetarian Moros y Cristianos

For a vegetarian version, you can omit the meat and increase the amount of veggies. Add diced bell peppers, carrots, and tomatoes to the sautéed onion and garlic mixture. This will provide additional texture and flavor to the dish. You can also sprinkle some smoked paprika for a smoky taste.

Variation 2: Moros y Cristianos with Meat

If you prefer a heartier version of Moros y Cristianos, you can add some cooked meat to the dish. Traditional Cuban recipes often include diced pork or bacon. Simply cook the meat separately and add it to the pot along with the beans and rice.

These variations allow you to explore different flavors and make Moros y Cristianos your own!

In conclusion, Moros y Cristianos is a delicious and hearty Cuban dish that brings together black beans and rice in a flavorful combination. By following these easy steps, you can recreate this traditional recipe in your own kitchen. Whether you choose the classic version or experiment with variations, Moros y Cristianos is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. So gather your ingredients, put on some Cuban music, and get ready to enjoy a taste of Cuba!