Cuban Malanga Fritters Recipe


You are in for a delightful culinary experience with this tantalizing recipe for Malanga Fritters, a unique Cuban appetizer that promises to transport your taste buds to the vibrant streets of Cuba. Made with the lesser-known malanga root, these crispy and flavorful fritters are perfect for any occasion. Whether you are hosting a gathering or simply craving a delicious snack, this recipe is a must-try. So, grab your apron and get ready to embark on a mouthwatering adventure into the world of Cuban cuisine!

Malanga Fritters Ingredients

To make delicious malanga fritters, you will need a handful of simple and flavorful ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:

Malanga root

The star of this recipe is the malanga root. This starchy tuber, native to South America, is a popular ingredient in Cuban cuisine. It has a mild flavor and a creamy texture, making it the perfect base for these fritters.


A fragrant and versatile vegetable, the onion adds a savory depth of flavor to the fritters. Be sure to chop it finely so that it melds with the other ingredients seamlessly.


What would a Cuban dish be without garlic? This aromatic bulb adds a bold and irresistible kick to the fritters. Mince it finely to infuse the dish with its distinctive flavor.


Fresh parsley adds a pop of color and a fresh herbal note to the fritters. Chop it up finely and mix it in with the other ingredients for a burst of freshness.


The egg acts as a binding agent in the fritters, holding all the ingredients together. Be sure to whisk it thoroughly before adding it to the mixture.


To enhance the flavors of the fritters, a pinch of salt is all you need. Adjust the seasoning to your taste preferences.


A touch of black pepper adds a subtle hint of spice to the fritters. Feel free to add more if you like a bit of heat in your dish.

Vegetable oil

To achieve that crispy exterior, you’ll need vegetable oil for frying the fritters. Make sure you have enough to cover the bottom of the pan.

Malanga Fritters Recipe Preparation

Now that you have gathered all the ingredients, it’s time to get cooking! Follow these simple steps to make your malanga fritters:

Peel and grate the malanga root

Start by peeling the malanga root to remove its tough outer skin. Once peeled, grate it using a box grater or a food processor. The finer the grate, the better the texture of the fritters.

Chop the onion and garlic

Next, finely chop the onion and garlic. You want them to be small enough to distribute their flavors evenly throughout the fritters.

Combine the ingredients

In a large bowl, mix together the grated malanga, chopped onion, garlic, parsley, whisked egg, salt, and pepper. Use your hands or a spatula to thoroughly combine all the ingredients. The mixture should be well-incorporated and sticky.

Form the fritters

Take a small handful of the mixture and shape it into a round, flat patty. Repeat this process until all the mixture is used. Aim for fritters that are about two inches in diameter.

Fry the fritters

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Carefully place the fritters into the hot oil, making sure not to overcrowd the pan. Cook until golden brown on both sides, flipping them gently with a spatula. Once cooked, transfer the fritters to a paper towel-lined plate to drain the excess oil.

Serving Suggestions

Now that your malanga fritters are ready, it’s time to think about serving them up! Here are some tasty accompaniments and dipping sauces to enhance your culinary experience:


Malanga fritters are delicious on their own, but they can also be paired with various accompaniments to create a more substantial meal. Serve them with a side of black beans and rice for a classic Cuban combination. Alternatively, they can be enjoyed alongside a fresh salad or as part of a tapas spread.

Dipping sauce

For an extra burst of flavor, serve your malanga fritters with a tasty dipping sauce. A classic choice is a tangy and creamy garlic aioli. You can also go for a spicy tomato salsa or a zesty cilantro-lime dressing. Get creative and experiment with different flavors to find your perfect dip.


If you’re feeling adventurous in the kitchen, why not try these exciting variations of malanga fritters?

Cheese-filled fritters

Take your malanga fritters to the next level by adding a delicious surprise inside. Simply place a small cube of your favorite cheese in the center of each fritter before frying. As the fritters cook, the cheese will melt and create a gooey, irresistible center. Cheddar, mozzarella, or even a tangy goat cheese work well in this variation.

Spicy fritters

If you love a little heat, kick up the spice level by adding some diced jalapeños or crushed red pepper flakes to the mixture. The added heat will create an exciting contrast to the creamy malanga. Don’t forget to adjust the seasoning to balance the flavors.

Sweet fritters

For those with a sweet tooth, why not try turning your malanga fritters into a dessert? Add a tablespoon of sugar and a sprinkle of cinnamon to the mixture for a touch of sweetness. Serve them warm and dusted with powdered sugar for a delightful treat.

Tips and Tricks

To ensure your malanga fritters turn out perfectly every time, here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind:

Handling malanga root

When peeling and grating malanga root, wear gloves or be careful not to rub your eyes or skin. Malanga can cause skin irritation for some individuals.

Substitutes for malanga

If you can’t find malanga at your local grocery store, you can substitute it with other starchy tubers like taro or yucca. The texture and flavor will be slightly different, but the fritters will still be delicious.

Avoiding gooey fritters

To prevent your fritters from becoming gooey, make sure to squeeze out any excess moisture from the grated malanga. You can do this by placing the grated malanga in a clean kitchen towel and wringing it out before adding it to the mixture.

History of Malanga Fritters

Malanga fritters have a rich history rooted in Cuban cuisine. Let’s explore a bit of their origin and popularity:

Cuban origins

Malanga fritters are believed to have originated in Cuba, where malanga root has been a staple food for centuries. The fritters were a simple and delicious way to make use of this versatile ingredient and quickly gained popularity among locals and visitors alike.

Popularity in Cuban cuisine

Today, malanga fritters are a beloved appetizer in Cuban cuisine. They can be found on the menus of traditional Cuban restaurants and are often enjoyed as street food during local festivals and celebrations. Their crispy exterior and creamy interior make them a crowd-pleasing favorite.

Health Benefits of Malanga

Not only are malanga fritters a treat for your taste buds, but they also offer several health benefits. Here are some reasons to indulge in this tasty appetizer:

Nutritional profile

Malanga root is a nutrient-dense tuber, packed with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. It is a good source of potassium, vitamin C, and manganese, which play important roles in maintaining overall health.

Digestive health

The high fiber content in malanga root promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation. It can help regulate bowel movements and support a healthy gut.


Malanga contains compounds that have been linked to cardiovascular health. It is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, making it a heart-friendly ingredient.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Some studies suggest that malanga root may have anti-inflammatory properties. It contains antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the body and support overall well-being.


Malanga fritters are not only a unique and delicious appetizer, but they are also a symbol of the rich culinary heritage of Cuba. From their humble origins to their popularity in Cuban cuisine, these fritters have become a beloved favorite. Whether you enjoy them as an accompaniment, with a tasty dipping sauce, or as a fun variation, they are sure to impress your taste buds. And with the added health benefits of malanga root, you can indulge guilt-free. So why not give this Cuban delicacy a try and savor the flavors of the Caribbean in your own kitchen? For another tasty Cuban dish why not try this Ajiaco Hearty Cuban soup recipe.